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Embryo Transplant


The donor cow is given hormones to make her produce more than one egg during her ovulation cycle. During this she is provided with optimal conditions to maximize her productivity during this strain on her body. The donor cow now super ovulated is artificially inseminated at the correct time in her cycle. To ensure all eggs are fertilized they prefer to use two straws of semen. She is then kept under close eye to make sure that everything sticks and she doesn’t have a short cycle or “dump the eggs”. Flushing occurs 6-8 days after insemination. First the isolation and classification of embryos occurs. The embryos get classified into grades higher grade the better and more likely to stick. Freezing of the high grade embryos occur. Recip cow is given hormones to bring her into a cycle and she is tracked and monitored to ensure when to give second round of hormones. When she comes into heat she is then taken to get the embryos implanted. CIDRs can be used to bring cows into heat as well. Recip cow is given hormones to bring her into a cycle and she is tracked and monitored to ensure when to give second round of hormones. When she comes into heat she is then taken to get the embryos implanted. CIDRs can be used to bring cows into heat as well.

Embryo transfer if useful to improve genetics maybe a bit cheaper while utilizing the cows you have.



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